
young panicle Learn more about young panicle

  • Matters needing attention in Young panicle differentiation of Rice

    Matters needing attention in Young panicle differentiation of Rice

    Matters needing attention in Young panicle differentiation of Rice

  • Matters needing attention in the latest Young panicle differentiation of Rice

    Matters needing attention in the latest Young panicle differentiation of Rice

    Rice cultivation is very common in China, and almost every family in rural areas has a certain area of rice fields. Rice has been planted in China for thousands of years, although the planting technology is more mature, but there will still be the phenomenon of planting failure. that

    2020-11-10 Latest rice young panicle differentiation hourly precautions
  • Growth characteristics of Rice and its requirements for Environment

    Growth characteristics of Rice and its requirements for Environment

    Growth characteristics of Rice and its requirements for Environment

  • Management measures during jointing and panicle growth of rice

    Management measures during jointing and panicle growth of rice

    The jointing and long panicle stage refers to the period from jointing and young panicle differentiation to pre-heading, and the medium rice generally lasts for 25-36 days. 1. During this period, some tillers gradually died, and the total number of tillers decreased compared with the previous period, so it was an important period for tiller protection and panicle increase. By

  • Planting Management of Rice growth period Water and Fertilizer demand

    Planting Management of Rice growth period Water and Fertilizer demand

    We usually divide a rice growth cycle into seedling stage, green stage, tillering stage, long panicle stage (panicle differentiation stage) and fruiting stage. The seedling stage is mostly in the seedling field.

  • The latest growth characteristics of Rice and its requirements for Environment

    The latest growth characteristics of Rice and its requirements for Environment

    On rice, seeds are usually germinated until new seeds are produced as a growth cycle of rice, that is, the growth period. The growth period can be divided into seedling stage, green stage, tillering stage, long panicle stage (panicle differentiation stage) and fruiting stage. Generally speaking, the seedling stage has been completed and moved in the seedling field.

    2020-11-10 The latest rice growth characteristics and yes the environment requirements in
  • The latest causes and Control methods of early panicle in Rice

    The latest causes and Control methods of early panicle in Rice

    The phenomenon of early heading of rice will occur when planting rice. The so-called early heading of rice means that the young spike of rice main stem begins to differentiate or form during the period of seedling field, and the phenomenon of early heading occurs after transplanting. As a result, the plant type of rice decreased obviously and the panicle shrank.

    2020-11-10 The latest rice early heading cause and control methods in
  • There are measures to increase rice production.

    There are measures to increase rice production.

    The application of "no-deep tillage" soil conditioner can increase the soil permeability, promote the growth and development of rice roots and improve the fertilizer utilization efficiency of rice, so as to increase the yield of rice. On this basis, paying close attention to the following measures will also play a great role in increasing rice production. 1. Increase the number of ears. Strong seedlings were cultivated by ①. For.

  • Is there any way to increase the yield of rice?

    Is there any way to increase the yield of rice?

    Is there any way to increase the yield of rice? Is there any way to be effective? If you want to increase the yield of rice, you can refer to the following methods: 1. Increase the number of ears. Strong seedlings were cultivated by ①. It provides a good basis for early return to green and early tillering after planting. ② reasonable close planting. According to the number of ears harvested according to the plan and the estimation of tillering after seedling planting.

  • How to dry the rice field? What's the use?

    How to dry the rice field? What's the use?

    How to dry the rice field? What's the use? Please introduce the method of drying rice field is one of the main technical measures to increase yield and promote early maturity of rice. First, the main role of drying field 1, control ineffective tiller, consolidate effective tiller. When the rice tiller has reached a certain number, that is, enough seedlings, our province from the time point of view.

  • Harm and Control of Liriomyza huidobrensis in Rice seed production

    Harm and Control of Liriomyza huidobrensis in Rice seed production

    Rice stalk miner (ChloropsoryzaeMatsumura) is mainly distributed in Heilongjiang, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing and other provinces in China. In recent years, it has become one of the main pests in rice production in hilly and mountainous areas of Chongqing, and the loss caused by it has exceeded that of some important pests such as borer. In rice seed production, the occurrence of Liriomyza huidobrensis seriously affected the development process of rice, which led to poor meeting of parents at this flowering stage and affected seed production.

  • How to manage rice during the critical period of rice growth in August?

    How to manage rice during the critical period of rice growth in August?

    Let's first take a look at the growth period of the waterway, the rice growth period is divided into three stages: 1. Vegetative growth stage (from germination to young panicle differentiation) 2. The stage of vegetative growth and reproductive growth (from young panicle differentiation to florescence) 3.

  • Causes and Control methods of early panicle in Rice

    Causes and Control methods of early panicle in Rice

    Causes and Control methods of early panicle in Rice

  • Strengthen Fertilizer and Water Control of Diseases and insect pests and build a High-yield Seedling frame for late Rice in September

    Strengthen Fertilizer and Water Control of Diseases and insect pests and build a High-yield Seedling frame for late Rice in September

    Strengthen Fertilizer and Water Control of Diseases and insect pests and build a High-yield Seedling frame for late Rice in September

  • How to apply organic matter fertilizer?

    How to apply organic matter fertilizer?

    How to apply organic matter fertilizer? Please guide the organic fertilizer if it can be made by itself, it is the most economical cost, but the actual implementation is not easy. Compared with the organic matter fertilizers sold in the market, the plant organic matter fertilizers with high nitrogen content such as rapeseed meal and peanut meal are more in line with the economic cost. Rapeseed meal is medium.

  • The latest course of wheat field management techniques and methods

    The latest course of wheat field management techniques and methods

    Seedling emergence and tillering stage 1. Growth characteristics: seedling emergence and tillering stage, from sowing and emergence to jointing. ① spring wheat enters the stage of young panicle elongation after emergence and jointing 4 leaves. ② semiwinter wheat enters the stage of young panicle extension from seedling and jointing to 5 leaves. Emergence and jointing of ③ winter wheat

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat field management techniques methods tutorials emergence
  • What chemical fertilizer does millet top dressing use? What should we pay attention to when applying fertilizer? (with high-yield fertilization techniques)

    What chemical fertilizer does millet top dressing use? What should we pay attention to when applying fertilizer? (with high-yield fertilization techniques)

    Millet is a need for fertilizer more crops, must grasp the fertilizer, in order to harvest, then millet topdressing with what fertilizer? What should we pay attention to when applying fertilizer? How to fertilize millet for high yield? Specific details are as follows: 1. Phosphate fertilizer: promote millet production

    2020-11-09 millet topdressing what chemical fertilizer fertilization should pay attention to attach
  • Rice "three Fertilizer" and its Application skills


    Scientific fertilization is one of the important measures to achieve high quality and high yield of rice. However, rice fertilization is a highly technical work, which must be flexibly mastered in practice because of variety characteristics, soil fertility, climatic factors and cultivation conditions. As we all know: the demand for fertilizer of rice is shown in the nutrition period, the nutrition critical period and the nutrition maximum efficiency period. For example, the growth period of early rice is short, the amount of fertilizer required is relatively less, and fertilization should be early and concentrated. If the growth period of middle rice and late rice is longer, the amount of fertilizer required is large, and the absorption intensity is high, topdressing should be increased.

  • Apply the "three fertilizers" of rice well

    Apply the

    Seedlings flourish, invalid tillers grow rapidly, resulting in greedy green late maturity; some seedlings grow shade, leading to diseases such as sheath blight or rice blast. If fertilizer damage occurs in rice fields, the yield will be reduced in light cases, and the seedlings will be ploughed and replanted in heavy cases. In order to give full play to the fertilization effect of rice, in addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer, we must apply "three fertilizers" in topdressing, that is, tillering fertilizer, panicle fertilizer and grain fertilizer. Rice fertilization should be considered comprehensively according to variety characteristics, soil fertility, climatic factors and cultivation conditions, and applied flexibly. The demand for fertilizer for rice is shown in the camp.

  • Technical guidance on current Rice production Management

    Technical guidance on current Rice production Management

    At present, the production of early rice in China has entered the late growth stage, most of the early rice in southern Guangdong and Guangxi has entered the filling stage, a few of them have entered the mature stage, the middle part of Guangdong and Guangxi has begun to heading, and the north of Guangdong and Guangxi has entered the initial heading stage to heading stage; the early rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has entered the milk stage and the harvest is expected to begin around July 10. The northeast single cropping rice is in the peak tillering stage, young panicle differentiation stage and booting stage from south to north, the middle rice in the southwest winter paddy field is in the booting stage, the young panicle differentiation begins in the valley and hilly region, and the drying stage in Chengdu plain is at the highest seedling stage.
